Tag Archives: I’m a PC

Shots from the Dell shoot

Sans computer

Sans computer

The money shot

The money shot


Filed under For the money

I’m so not a PC

I'm neither a PC user nor a guitar player. And yes, I did it for the money.

I'm neither a PC user or a guitar player. And yes, I'm basically admitting I have no integrity.

It’s nice to be in New York City again, if only virtually.  This was snapped by my friend Echo in the Spring Street subway station. Look out– I apparently play “for fun.”

The shoot was this summer in Elgin, TX. It was over 95 degrees that day.  It was about a hour’s drive away and my sweetass mom car (a 1982 Mercedes station wagon 300TD) has no air conditioning. By the time I got there, I was a sweaty red ball of nasty.  The makeup people put me in front of about eight fans and an open refrigerator so I wouldn’t look like a freak. Then they gave me those purple pants to try on.

B gave me coaching on how to convincingly hold a guitar before I left the house.  This was prompted by him asking me, “Do you know how to hold a guitar while sitting?” I said “OF COURSE I DO” then I did what felt natural and he promptly pissed himself laughing. His lessons paid off though when they put me in the chair, handed me the guitar, I gripped it as instructed and the art director goes “Cool, you play.” I said “Uh no, but you know…I’ve had lessons.”


Filed under For the money